1. Getting Started With CodeDog

In this chapter lets get CodeDog installed and configured on your computer. We’ll test it out by writing a “Hello World” program. After that we will get you going by building an example GUI program and a skeleton of a game.

1.1. Setting up CodeDog

1.1.1. Setting up CodeDog on Linux


The green sections below indicate either text or commands to enter: those beginning with $ are terminal commands. To open a terminal go to the start menu and type “terminal” in the search box then enter. Now you should have a terminal window open, copy the commands below, omitting the $ prompt then enter. Clone Git Repos

  1. Install Git:

    $ sudo apt install git
  2. Make a new folder for development then change directories into that folder:

    $ mkdir devl
    $ cd devl
  3. Clone the git repo:

    $ git clone https://github.com/BruceDLong/CodeDog.git Python, Pip & Pyparsing Installs

  1. Python and Pyparsing are required for CodeDog to run. To install open terminal and enter the following commands:

    $ wget https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py
    $ sudo apt install python3
    $ sudo apt install python3-pip
    $ sudo pip3 install pyparsing
  2. Check Python version is 3 or higher:

    $ python3 --version
  3. Check Pyparsing version is 2.4.6 or higher:

    $ pip3 show pyparsing Install C++, GTK & Dependencies

If you are going to be developing for Linux you will need to install the following:

$ sudo apt install build-essential libgtk-3-dev libcurl4-gnutls-dev libsdl2-dev libsdl2-mixer-dev libicu-dev libgmp-dev libncurses5-dev libwebsockets-dev Android Studio

If you are going to be developing for Android you will need to install Android Studio. Follow the instructions provided in the Android official documentation.

Instructions: https://developer.android.com/studio/install#linux

Download: https://developer.android.com/studio/index.html Add CodeDog to your System Path

  1. Edit your .bashrc file adding the following line toward the bottom of the file.:

  2. Verify CodeDog command:

    $ codeDog --version Installing a Text Editor

You will need a text editor, our recommendation is Geany. We have already made a configuration file for Geany that provides syntax highlighting.

  1. Install Geany:

    $ sudo apt install geany geany-plugins
  2. Copy the CodeDog config file from the CodeDog repo into Geany

    $ cp ~/devl/CodeDog/filetypes.dog.conf ~/.config/geany/filedefs

  3. Open Geany/ Tools menu/ Configuration files/ filetype extensions.conf. Add the following line:

  4. Now open Geany/ Tools menu/ Reload Configuration or close and reopen Geany.

1.1.2. Setting up CodeDog on Windows

1.1.3. Setting up CodeDog on MacOS

1.2. “Hello World!”

1.3. Minimal GUI

1.4. Minimal Game